SELLING ~ Asgard-Chronicles characters 2 - OPENAlone1sAgain on DeviantArt

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SELLING ~ Asgard-Chronicles characters 2 - OPEN


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All of these characters were bought and used for some of my stories like ARIMOUX, ACTIUM, and Constantina. Because my life has taken such a different turn that I cannot return to my stories, I'm selling these characters in hopes that somebody can give them all great homes and adventures of their own.

Please, let me know below what number or numbers you are interested in buying. These prices are pretty much non-negotiable. I've already discounted them from their original prices, some substantially.

All of these characters were made by @Asgard-Chronicles an amazing artist I've known for years. If you haven't checked her page out yet, please do!

If you want to see the image in full, click here:


# 5 - SOLD - @PuppetMasterGepetto

# 7 - SOLD - @PointlessPortals

# 11 - SOLD - @ObsiObzan

The main reason why the bottom four are much more expensive is because they come with much more artwork than any of the others from my two posts. They are also more connected with me still, as Constantina was one of my more "recent" stories (that was never finished because of irl issues). If I'm to sell them, those four need to be worth more of what I actually paid... and I even paid a LOT more still for them than what I am selling them for. Please understand.

For those wondering too, this doesn't mean I'm giving up writing or artwork or anything. My life just has taken a different trajectory. I'm currently working on some slice-of-life style stories. I hope to upload them sometime in the future. Also, I'm working on a superhero comic as well.

Image size
6000x3497px 12.65 MB
© 2024 - 2025 Alone1sAgain
anonymous's avatar
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That-RepliQueen-Kyo's avatar

would you consider holds or payment plans on 10?
love her sm but rather see what youre ok with