
Constantina - 6: The Barrow

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 The flames from the half-melted candles inside the room flickered with just enough light to illuminate the surrounding area with a reddened glow. Tables were tossed aside, chairs splintered and broken around the shattered porcelain plates and mugs. Cobwebs completed an overall creepy image that seemed straight out of a horror story. But this was no book. Shanoa, Mon Virez, and others from the ship hid behind anything they could find to take a moment to grasp the situation they were unwillingly struggling to comprehend. When she looked around to see beyond, Shanoa still couldn't understand how it came to this. An illusionary figure of the lord of this castle seemed to faze in an out of existence behind two others. One was a suit of darkened armor straight from any nightmare, ready to strike. The other... was none other than Brass himself! “I told you!!” Mon Virez screamed at her over the cackling of the vampire lord.

Maybe...” She tried to find some reasoning behind him standing in defense of their foe.

The cackling ended, but for a moment. It shouted out, “You know what to do!” Suddenly, both of them dashed to the crew as they braced themselves for the fight!

~ two days prior...

Shanoa walked up to the deck, leering out to the strange weather surrounding the ship. There was an intense fog along with a rather skittish crew scurrying around. It was obvious most of them were suspecting another attack from Davy Jones, but somehow the captain didn't expect it. The fog and cloudy mist above covered them in a white light and not darkness, unlike what happened before. The other intricate detail was her armor and whip which remained neutral throughout their push on through it. Typically, they would glow an eerie blue when near Davy's presence. “It doesn't seem like it's him, pugs. Keep on your toes, though.” 'Pugs' is a term of endearment that she had given her crew long ago, thinking of them as if they were a pet or part of her own family.

There's something here...” Brass mumbled to himself as he walked along the sides of the Constantina.

Suddenly, the fog weakened and an island came into view. “LAND HO!!!”

Shanoa walked to the head of the ship. Just as he had shouted, there was indeed a mass of land that appeared before them. “It's not the continent, though. Go around the island! We don't want to make any unnecessary stops. Remember, our business is to get to Continental Seiren. Fez? You take the lead.”

Aye, aye, captain-sir!” Fez replied.

However, before she could retire below deck Brass interrupted her. “Something's wrong.”

How so?” She immediately took notice to how serious his expression was. “What is it?”

I don't... I don't know. I just know we're not supposed to be here.”

She sighed, “It's just an island. We'll pass by it soon.”

He looked around, as if studying the surroundings. Then, he slowly shook his head, “No... no we won't.”

Now, Shanoa became worried. She has never seen him possess such a worried stance on anything as of yet. “Fez?”

Yes, captain-sir!”

Turn this ship back into the fog. We're turning away from the island.” He did exactly as was told of him, and the ship rocked to match her new heading. “I'll be below deck. Notify me if anything else happens.”

Fog began to set back in, but Brass still wasn't satisfied. “It's not over.”

What?” Before she could turn around, the fog cleared and the island was back ahead of the ship.

LAND... ho?”

The entire crew on deck began to collect at the head of the deck, looking out mysteriously at the island that reappeared in front of them. “Fez! Turn this ship around completely! I don't want to see this island at all.” Again, Fez complied and the ship swayed until the island was no longer in view. The strange, white fog settled in for a minute or two... and mysteriously cleared to show the very same island again ahead. Shanoa looked out in wonder at the sight of it. It didn't appear like anything special. Just another island along the sea that anyone would run into. “What the...”

Land ho, captain-sir...” Fez said in complete disbelief.

Looks like we might not have much of a choice there, do we?” The crew grew uneasy.

Well, as long as they have gold, what does it matter?” Mon Virez startled them with her sudden appearance. “After all, I could use more practice before we get to Seiren. Don't want to get rusty.”

Brass snickered, “This isn't a game, you twit! Captain... we're in considerable danger.”

Shanoa thought for a moment, but couldn't think of anything to say beyond stating the obvious. “We can't leave this island behind, it seems. When we do, it re-positions itself or us to our heading. We seem to be forced into landing there.” Brass began to say something, but she cut him off, “I know what you seem to think, but it looks like we have no choice in the matter, do we? I say we see what kind of trickery this island is hiding. Anyone disagree?” After a brief moment, she continued, “If anyone can think of another option, I'm open for discussion. Until then, we'll set foot there and see if anybody there has a clue of what's going on.”

Once they pushed to port, they saw a sign pointing them to a town called 'Bellwood'. Brass again showed his concern of the island. “I don't think it would be wise to go ahead with just a few of us. We don't know what exists here.” Shanoa took note and rounded together a few others to accompany them. Of course, Mon Virez insisted that the group bring her along in case she could make some money at the town. They don't understand... I can sense it. There's an extremely strong sense of emotion here... further inland. Just as his thoughts soared, a searing pain jolted his head aside. Virez took notice of it, but said nothing and began to walk with the others. Shanoa told her first mate to stay behind as 'acting' captain. Before she said anything to him, he held his hand up to stop her. “I'm fine... just a bit of a... a headache...” The crew called out to her and she returned to the group with Brass following slowly behind her.

The dirt road led the group through some wooded area. A stream broke off from a nearby river and ran across the pathway. There were several other signs shaped like arrows that pointed to keep walking straight ahead. Something was strange about all of this and Shanoa started to understand similar sentiments Brass held. “Hear that?” The others shook their heads, confused at their captain. “Exactly. No birds... no animals... I don't hear anything but the river.” As they continued on, they ran into a woman. Before the crew could rush foreword, Brass yelled for them all to stop. Now, Shanoa knew something was up. She pushed past the group to the front. The woman in front of them stood in place, not budging an inch. At this particular spot, the sun couldn't shine through the trees. It seemed to be the darkest place of the woods. “Reveal yourself. Who are you?”

The woman was in a robe, but her silvery-pink hair stretched out from the inside of the hood. Slowly, she stepped foreword. The crew became quiet, grabbing their weapons. A sudden feeling of dread crept up on the group. Then, the woman revealed her face to the others. She seemed relatively young looking and had long, shiny hair. However, red eyes glimmered in the small fraction of light. When she let go of the hood, it revealed an ebony tiara of some kind. The robe was large and left much of her chest exposed. Then, she spoke softly. “Yes... you will do...” Before Shanoa could talk to her, her hat blasted from her head and the woman disappeared, placing her hand on Shanoa's forehead as she floated in the air! Her arms jolted and her eyes became bloodshot from some kind of intense force placed on her. Within seconds, the group charged at the strange woman, but she disappeared once again! Shanoa's knees gave-way and she collapsed backwards, but Brass quickly caught her, though the same pain forced him to twist his head aside. On her forehead, purple veins bellowed out and her skin formed a pure black color. The crew turned their backs to the captain, surrounding her in a protective circle.

She's gone... you don't have to do that...” Brass told the crew.

Just how do you know that?! Didn't you see what that woman did!?!” Mon Virez screamed at him.

Just trust me...”

Some of them remained in the circle, but a few gathered around the captain. “How is she?” “What was that?!”

Brass brushed away her tentacle to look at her. This isn't good! I have to... “Spread out, but not too far! If you find anything, let me know.” The group did just that and made sure to stay within the vicinity. Quickly, he placed his hand on her head just as the strange woman did. The veins on his arm began to show the same visuals as her head, turning a dark color. Even his veins began to pop out from his skin. Mon Virez was looking around in confusion at the crew... but then saw what was happening between Brass and Shanoa out of the corner of her eye. He grit his teeth hard as an intense pain filled his entire right arm. Then, her forehead became clear of all signs of what the woman did to her. Unfortunately, now Brass bore the attack within. Shanoa was still unconscious. He slowly brought her over his left shoulder and brought his right arm to his body. Brass began to walk foreword, “If there's a town, we need to get there as soon as possible! Let's go, men!”

Mon Virez followed them as they gathered around the two. He did the same as her! I knew it... I knew he was evil...

It took some time, but the town finally came into view. Sitting alongside the river, this small town had a lumber-mill and close to twelve other houses... one of them an inn. Quickly, Brass took the captain to the inn and asked if there were any herbalists or doctors around. The others crowded the room, worrying about Shanoa. Another pain shot up in his arm as they all waited. Before the doctor arrived, Brass walked out to the main hallway with a few men in tow. “I want you all to remain here for the moment, just in case she wakes up. I'm going to look around town for a while... try to gather as much information as I can. I'll be back with anything I find. Got it?” They nodded, but he'd already turned his back to them and left out of the building. Mon Virez noticed him and slipped out just mere moments behind him.

He began asking some of the mill workers about a strange woman in black robes, but nobody knew a thing about it. Then, he walked over to the blacksmith... the same answer prevailed. An older woman on a porch? Still nothing. Brass began to get the feeling that they knew, but were blocking him out. Mon Virez watched from the corners, sneakily stalking him far enough to be out of his sight, but close enough for her to hear him. What's his game? He doesn't seem to kill anyone right away... could he be some kind of demon that preys on flesh? Or he could be a vampire! No... he's in sunlight now. Unless... are there vampires that can survive sunlight? Virez went over all the possible ways she portrayed him as, whether demon or some kind of undead. Her imagination was taking her to places she never thought she'd be. All of it was cut off abruptly when a woman almost fell from a cart nearby a shop. Brass effortlessly snatched her out of the air and held her in his arms. Not only is he a demon, but he's a womanizer too!!! That scum!!! That's it! He's a succubus... succubi... succu... man? Is there a male form of it?

Thank you! So kind and gentlemanly of you,” she said as she straightened herself up.

No worries. Not hurt, are you?”

She blushed, “My, of course not.” Then, she got closer to him and put her hand on his cheek. “Wow... you're a strapping, young man.”

I... I... uh...”

Just as abrupt as her fall, the door to the shop flew open. A man appeared, similar in appearance to her, “Cammy! How many times do I have to tell you? Don't step onto the cart!”

Oh, quit your bawling, Luke.” She placed her hands on her hips as if she were a mother yelling at her child.

And you went out of town again! Dammit, Cam Valeria!” This time, he took his hat off and threw it onto the ground. A small dust cloud rifted up around it as it connected.

Brass smiled a little, “You two seem a bit different than the rest of the people here. Just where are we, exactly?”

So, you're new around here? That makes two of us,” she giggled sweetly.

Luke wasn't having any of it, “Would you stop that confounded loitering and help?”

Don't mind my pig-headed brother. Maybe someone like you can talk some sense into him for me, sometime?”

“I heard that!” He hollered as he walked back into the shop with a bag of fruit.

They both chuckled, then she continued. “You're in Bellwood, nestled in the big island of Simone. We can't quite explain how it exists, though. We came here about a year or two ago... just strange how it appeared just as our ship was sinking. Luke and I just happened to settle here, though there's a lot of strange things going on.” She walked to the cart and was about to pick up a large bag of grain, but Brass did instead. “My, even generous too? You wouldn't happen to be taken, would you?”

He chuckled, “No, but I'm not really looking right now. I just wanted to find out more about this island.”

She sighed, “Well, there isn't much more to tell. Oh, besides the barrow and the other side of the island... but nobody really goes there.”

Why not?”

Let's just say... there's stories about people not coming back. Something about zombies and draugrs and whatnot.”

He mumbled, “Do you believe it all?”

Well... not sure what to think of it myself. I haven't seen any on my travels... but I'm not going very far to begin with. If there is trouble, I don't really want to be a part of it.” She took him into the shop and showed him where to put the sack down. Then, she looked him over closely. “You aren't thinking about going out there, are you?”

Objections?” Brass asked.

Cammy smiled, “Well, you are the best-looking man to set foot anywhere near me. Of course I'd have some... objections...”

She tried to put her arms around him, but he immediately shut her down, “How does one get to the barrow, exactly?”

A few hours went by... and now Brass dragged his leg along the ground, almost shattered by the trap set by one of the men in the town, no doubt. The growling got worse and grew closer... terrifying him. He made it to a large tree in the woods and placed his back against, then slid down to the ground. His leg broken, his arm muscled pulled... skin torn across various parts of his body... She said there'd be traps... and she wasn't joking. Then, the color of his skin changed along with the rise of pain growing inside. He did everything he could to make sure he never made a noise. There's something on the other side of this island... I just know it. I can feel a presence... something much stronger than anything I've ever felt before... I just hope... I hope I can make it to at least see what it is...

Back at the inn, Shanoa just started to come around. She was a little groggy at first, but soon her words began to make sense. The others asked her questions, like if she knew who the assaulter was. All she could repeat was her nightmares she had. “At first... it was like fire... flames bellowing up from beneath my feet. I felt the heat around me burn... but my skin didn't sear. When I looked at myself... I was wearing crimson armor and I had long, maroon hair. I remember wrapping myself in massive wings and watching as lava burst from my body... and then there were crystals laying around me... like ice. Almost as if... I'd been frozen...” The crew stared at her as she continued, confused by it all. “Then... I remember seeing a castle on the side of an island as I flew over it... this island... and it all disappeared...”

You must be talking about Castle Simone.” Behind the group, Mon Virez spoke above everyone.

Shanoa became puzzled, “How did...”

I... I helped search around town for clues. There's a castle on the other side of the island, but you have to go through a cave to get there. A shop owner in town knows all about it.”

Everyone gazed around as the captain got up from her resting place, “I guess that's good a start as any. Guys, I'll need a few of you to stay here in town just in case something goes wrong. The rest of you can follow Brass and myself to... where's Brass?”

Virez shrugged, “Last I saw, he was walking around town. Hitting on all the women, no doubt. Honestly, I don't know why you still keep him around.”

We've been through this already, Virez. Let it go.” Shanoa called on the crew again and out the door they went. Luckily, the shop wasn't too far away... though, with the yelling inside they weren't sure if they should enter.

When they did, two people were arguing over something. A man behind the counter screamed at a woman, “I told you! No adventures, no theatrics, no wandering off!!!”

Well, what are we gonna do then, huh?! He'll die out there on his own!” She retorted.

Shanoa interrupted, “Who will die?”

The man was startled, but tried to compose himself, “Oh, a customer... sorry you had to hear that.”

The girl walked over to the group, “You're all new here! You wouldn't happen to be friends with a certain red-haired man, would you?”

Brass? What's going on?” The group looked at each other.

Great! We need to go right away!”

The woman started to push past the group, but the man interrupted her. “Just where do you think you're going?!”

She yelled out at him again, “Don't listen to my pig-headed brother! You're friend's in danger!”

What!?!” The group shouted.

Come on... we need to get there as quick as possible!” The group let her through to the door.

Her brother screamed at her once again, “FINE! But ONLY to the edge of town! You hear me!!!”

Once outside, the woman stopped the group and pointed towards a large mountain in the distance. “He raced off towards Grey Falls Barrow. It's just across town, but you can see it from here, though. Right on the mountain over there.”

What the hell was he thinking...” Shanoa shook her head.

“He was worried over something when he asked about the island. Something about a person getting attacked? You all look pretty healthy to me, though.” She led the group through town to the bridge leading out over the river. “He's mad to go over there. There's nothing but traps, trolls, and who knows what else. As far as I know, the only way to get to the other side of the island is to either climb these mountains, and we certainly don't have the equipment for that... or go through the barrow. Even I haven't journeyed into it.” Everyone looked up at the mountain as it stood high above them, almost menacing. If what she thought was true on the other side, they were probably in for a fight. “The barrow is just up the path on the other side of the bridge. My brother's probably throwing a hissy-fit right now... such a child.”

Just... why are you going through such great lengths to protect this man, if I may ask?” Mon Virez taunted the woman, baiting her into answering the question.

And... she fell for it even after Shanoa glared at Virez. “Well, there isn't that many strapping men around. He just made me flutter from the moment I met him. I'd hate to see something happen to that man.”

Through the answer, the captain grit her teeth. “I think we'll be leaving now.” The woman turned and walked away after waving luck. Shanoa wasn't happy with Virez and begun to dislike Brass. If everything is true, then he's hits on all women every second he has a chance to. That doesn't sit well with her that a womanizer may be her first choice to join her ship's crew. They continued up the mountain, though it became colder the more they journeyed up it. The air grew tighter and harder to breathe, however slight it was. Then, they started to trample snow and frost along the ground as the trees grew less and less. Still no animals.

“There! Up ahead!” One of the men pointed out some ruins covered in the white. They were covered in glyphs they couldn't read. If they were honest, it didn't look like it belonged in their world entirely. Then, a grim sight caught their eyes. Laying against a wall on a staircase was a large beast, most likely a troll... or what was one. It was slightly dismembered with its arm seemingly ripped from its body. The blood soaked the snow all around them, but it continued like a path up the steps. “Think he's hurt?”

Shanoa ordered the men with her once again and continued up the stairs. Now, in front of them, a large, stone building came into view. Two massive stone doors with images of dragons and warriors etched into them halted the group for a moment. The blood trail seemed to lead inside. How... how did he open this after being wounded? Once again, Shanoa came back to her conversation with Virez one night when she yelled about how she thought he was a monster... and perhaps she was right. Still, he never gave her a reason to question his motives, whatever they were. Brass was always nice. She shook her thoughts from it and tried to push the door open... but even with all her strength she couldn't budge it. I couldn't... yet an injured Brass did... just what is... Shanoa and the men all pushed the door together and was able to open it, however barely. Once inside, she questioned it again. Not only was he able to open it... but he closed it as well. Strange... strange indeed.

Now inside the barrow, they had to mostly rely on each other to see. Small candles throughout the inside were lit, but it was only enough light to give them an idea of where the walls were. They wouldn't be able to fight in this light at all. Slowly, the crew tracked Brass's blood littering the floor. Down the hallways, through the cobwebs, the group never deviated at all. Mon Virez squealed when a small rat squeaked across the floor. Several spiders crawled onto her hand when she touched the wall, sending her backward into Shanoa who had stopped walking. “Nobody said you had to join us! Why didn't you stay back at the town?!” Virez shook in place, not answering her. Then, slowly, she walked away almost in shame... which confused Shanoa. This was a woman who could pick up a sword and could attack even strong men like Brass and get in his face... yet, she's quivering. The captain shook it off and started down the hallway again, but stopped once her foot sunk into the floor by an inch. A large scrape of stone against stone hit her ears just in time for her to yell to the men. “GET DOWN!!!” Immediately as the crew dropped to their hands and feet, hundreds of arrows were shot across their bodies in all directions!

After a minute, the shots stopped. As she stood up, she pointed out the pressure stone near her. The men, though, were a little preoccupied. One of them was hit several times, once in the neck. Shanoa could only look on as the man bled to death, “We need to be more careful...” She pushed his eyelids down and crossed his arms. “Let's keep moving. The longer we wait, the worse it'll be.”

So we're just gonna leave him here?!” One of the men yelled.

As much as it pains me, we can't carry him through this mess of a crypt. Remember, this is the only way to the other side of the island... which means, it's the only way back. He'll still be here when we return.” Shanoa tried to keep a level head as they pushed on further.

“You don't look so good, now...” A woman's footsteps drew closer to Brass. He was now sitting against the wall, fading in and out of consciousness. His arm was noticeably broken, blood dried all across his body. At one point, he had taken his shirt off and tied it around his arm to prevent it from bleeding out. An arrow was pierced into his shoulder, turning it a greenish color. He breathed heavily and his yellow eyes faded in the flickering of the glow the woman let off. “Well, now... I don't remember giving you treatment...”

She stepped in front of him and bent over, lifting his head up slightly with her hand. She twisted it to the side, then to the other. She wore a black and maroon outfit with ebony mail. A glimmering, red glow emanated from her body as ephemeral wings sprouted out from her back. Her long, silvery-pink hair flipped out in front of her, brushing against his face as she bent over. “You are unique, however. Not sure if I could use someone like you. I suppose I need time to think it over. Your power makes it relatively easy to manipulate...” She paused for a moment and glared back at the hallway. “It seems we have other guests. I suppose I'll leave it to you, then. I could so easily let you bleed out all over the floor and die here... but... BUT...

She continued, “I can heal you, boy. Of course, it will come at a price. What say you? Die here... or be saved by the one you hunt? Join your friends... or stay here forever? Tough... tough decisions... Time is almost up. So, what will it be?” She lifted his head once more, looking at Brass now on the rim of death's door. “You don't have much longer, boy. What will it be?” She watched and smiled as a tear fell down his face, turning red as it gathered blood from his wounds. “Good answer...” She laughed just before kissing him. His body glowed a bright red and lit up the area around him. Seconds later, the group entered the room and heard his heavy breathing.

Shanoa was the first to race over to him, “Brass!”

I'm fine... just... just tired...” With that, he fainted with the last of his strength.

The others started to ask questions all at the same time, but none were answered. “Why is he so beaten? Surely it wasn't that difficult to get here,” Mon Virez mocked him even after seeing his condition.

You're so caring, Virez,” Shanoa used her sarcasm to glare at her.

One of the men asked, “How is he that bad, though? We didn't hit that many traps.”

She fired on them as well, “We also didn't have to face a troll, did we? Maybe the reason we didn't hit those traps was because he hit them.” Shanoa waited as the group started to plan what their next move was. She moved her hand in front of his mouth and nose, feeling for his breath. Good... he's still alive. Just what's going on with this island? For there to be something like this, and that woman from before... I don't understand this. If that castle truly exists, that's where we have to head to. The town wasn't of any help. Even these ruins seem like it was placed here to prevent us from reaching something, whatever that is. I guess we'll find out more when we reach that castle and get out of this damned maze. “We're staying here for a bit to rest. Be prepared for anything.” If he rests enough, he may be able to walk. Perhaps... perhaps not. Who knows. Boy, I wish Vixen was here. That staff could come in handy right now...

About five hours later, the crew found their way through the tunnels underground. With Brass now able to limp with some help, they came out of the exit. It was now snowing terrible, belting the side of the mountain. In the distance, they could see a massive castle towering beyond a large chasm, or fissure. A swaying bridge dangled over it. Shanoa wasn't too thrilled with the next part of the journey as she gulped, “Oh boy...”

And the 6th chapter of Constantina has begun!!! The crew finds their way to a mysterious island appearing out of nowhere. Then, a strange woman attacks Shanoa! What was going on with Brass this entire time?! And Mon Virez still seems to be convinced that he's evil... could he be?

Next chapter: "Discordance of the Day". Lots of action, fighting, drama, love... WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE!!! We'll see the reveal of a new enemy, the Vampire Lord! Her name will be engraved on the crew once she's through!!!

So... anybody know what references were in this chapter? How many were there?! XD</sub


:la: Please leave some feedback for me if you enjoyed this chapter or if you felt it was lackluster. I will reply to all feedback!!! XD

I adopted many characters I used for my stories from Asgard-Chronicles If you haven't looked at Asgard's adopts yet, please do! Her artwork is amazing! I could easily say I wouldn't be writing if it wasn't inspirations I take from her characters! :D
© 2019 - 2025 Alone1sAgain

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Asgard-Chronicles's avatar
Oh!!! So that's why Brass end up being controlled!! But is there a way to release him? Like killing the Vampire Lord or leaving him half-dead again and pray that Vixen would be there this time?
Also, I guess it really seems like Shanoa is developing some feelings towards Brass, otherwise she wouldn't get angry at him for flirting with other girls... And Mon Virez... She sure can say some very mean things XD