Brovold the Bear-Manalliassalmon on DeviantArt

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Brovold the Bear-Man



Meet Brovold, he is a wild-man of a Norwegian descent who is raised by grizzly bears when he was an infant. He is also the lord of his region and the arch-enemy of Shauna Evans.

In the mountainous regions of North America, Brovold was orphaned after his parents were killed by a cougar, alone in the harsh wilderness. That was until a mother grizzly bear came in and took the boy in as her own. Similar to Shauna Evans when she was raised by sabretooth cats, he spend time living with his adopted bear family and even growing up with them, but unlike Shauna, he has never made any contact with individuals of his own and spend any time with civilization. When he grew into a young adult, he challenged an alpha male grizzly for the rule of the Salmon Run and Brovold emerged victoriously and became lord of the mountainous regions. He now wears a throw pelt made of the dead alpha male. However, he encountered a group of trophy hunters who carried rifles. One of them shot at him, grazing him in the process. Seeing the blood coming from him, Brovold went berserk and murdered the trophy hunters with his animalistic side and brute strength.

He can serve as a dark reflection to Shauna they were both raised by wild animals, for example: Shauna was raised by sabretooth tigers and Brovold was raised by grizzly bears. However, there are differences, while Shauna still maintains her civilized side though living with the sabretooths, Brovold became fully animalistic and lacks his human side. He can represent what Shauna would've become if she remained in the wilderness too much.
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