Design NarrativeAllegra-the-Neko on DeviantArt

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Allegra-the-Neko's avatar

Design Narrative



DA is a dick for making me convert this to a PDF. If it is making you click 'download' to see the stupid thing then it is a bigger dick, and not in a good way. Now I remember why I never bother submit writing to this damn site. Fuck it, just putting it under typography so you can at least see it. Broken system much.

Written as part of the final project for one of my design courses. I'm always somewhat self-conscious about sharing my writing publicly. Not because I think it's bad, but because it is... strange. And I'm not always sure how people are going to take it, though it generally goes over favorably.

I am pleased with how this came out; I think that I managed to let my own style of writing show through while bending the guidelines enough to suit my needs without breaking them.
Image size
1275x1650px 325.89 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Allegra-the-Neko
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Jaycie-Hake's avatar
This is really great actually! One of the better pieces of poetry on this site. I like the way you made it visually appealing, while not losing any meaning in the way you did that.