I've always enjoyed tying up dolls. Here I can share my ideas and interests with tons of people.
My Chat room: chat.deviantart.com/chat/howar...
Hey I have a question. I'm wondering how to make cocoon ropes for dolls like you have done. Been wanting to do some doll DiD pics with my own figures but don't know what would be an easy sort of material to bind them up with
thanks for favouriting a lot of my pics
If you're not busy i have a request/commishsion for you?
Thanks for the faves!
And I like your latest doll work. Sorry I haven't gotten to your page in a while.
Hey A71. I don’t know if you’re still doing this, but would you happen to still be doing your “Ask (Character’s Name) posts as I have lots of questions to ask them. Examples being Mariellen & Daphne Blake