All-Our-Deviants's avatar


Years Ago
91 Members61 Watchers

Comments 60

anonymous's avatar
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Deaderidan's avatar
Frostian-Guardian's avatar
I've been unable to be active and contribute my art to this group for months.
If continues, I might have to take my leave. 
DeathPistol13's avatar
I've very sorry for this inconvenience, I'm assure you that I'm working on it, but I do not see any issues on my end.
Frostian-Guardian's avatar
I've tried everything in my power and nothing seems to fix the problem. 
This the only group that I'm in that's not allowing me to contribute any of my deviations to. 
DeathPistol13's avatar
Go to the Admin area and see if there are any problems there, you should be able to view it so let me know if something needs changing.
Frostian-Guardian's avatar
I'm still unable to contribute artwork???
DeathPistol13's avatar
Let me see what I can do.