All-Original-Felines's avatar


To The Original Feline Artists
Years Ago
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Comments 22

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M1ZAN's avatar
question.. say that my characters were originally created based on TLK, but no longer are a part of the universe in question?? Would that still be acceptable here?
Emi-Gemini's avatar
Submissions expired. Someone ?
WanderingWarriorCat's avatar
Thanks for making this group! Its really ANNOYING browsing through DA and seeing every single lion drawn in the overused and abused lion king style.
XMizanX's avatar
ummmm ok so why is style an issue? I have several characters I draw in a Lion King like style that have like zero connection to the movies, they should still be considered original.
WanderingWarriorCat's avatar
if you draw your characters in lion king style, that is the connection to lion king. Dont want your characters associated with Lion King? Draw it in a different style.
SilverToraGe's avatar
well, my first question would be why draw your characters in tlk style if they have no connection to the movie?
just because you give it a different name and a different character description, doesnt "over power" the unoriginal style its in. if its done in tlk style then people will be drawn to believe that this character has some connection to the movie, therefore the originality is sucked right out.
in other words, drawing a tlk style lion you made up yourself does not make a character "original"
anyway, the point of not allowing the styles is for those who appreciate seeing feline art that isnt in the poorly overused style. Its like a "data-base" of feline art saving people the trouble of having to scroll through piles generic tlk lions that arent or are related to tlk in order to see some feline art that is not in that style.
XMizanX's avatar
ok, how does it not make the character original if it's a character OF YOUR OWN CREATION AND DESIGN? Your logic is flawed and kind of ridiculous.