Moves Like Jaggeraligirl8 on DeviantArt

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aligirl8's avatar

Moves Like Jagger



I couldn't decide if this would be funny or not so I'm sorry if it's really lame. This is just the first thing that popped into my head after I heard "I've got the key." Also, I know the arrangement is really weird but I couldn't get the pictures to fit any other way. I don't own the images btw. I love Adam on the Voice. He's hilarious but I have the slightest suspicion that he would enjoy Key's company (I mean who wouldn't) So leave feedback please about how I could be better or if this idea was just too stupid. Thanks and Jongkey FTW!
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1555x751px 1.64 MB
© 2012 - 2025 aligirl8
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moechiii's avatar
Key's face > U< :squee: