Current Residence: Plainview, MN
Personal Quote: Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort.
-Theodore Roosevelt
I'm a very gentlemanly type of guy. I'm quiet, polite, friendly, a little shy, and probably the most patient person you've ever met. I don't smoke, drink, swear, and it'll take a lot to make me stressed or angry, and I mean a lot. Some people can see these qualities as weaknesses, but others can see them as good character and contagious behavior which can be used to uplift their own lives.
My life plans include saving up for a home of my own, and live the american dream by living in a nice, quiet home and settle down with a beautiful, loving and caring wife and wonderful kids while I'm still young. I have already finished one of my life plans. I have wiped out a $40,000 debt in a mere 17 and a half months. It was from my parents charge card bills, and now that that's gone, i don't have to worry about any debt sneaking up in my future, since if they die before it's paid off (was very likely at the time, since they'd have to be literally at least 118 years old before they can pay it off themselves), then it will have to go somewhere, which is us kids. All I want is to live comfortable, debt free, make more money then I spend, and share my comfortable life with a wonderful family.
I live very simple and can work very hard, so the only thing keeping me from accomplishing my dreams right now is time. This dream may be a little out of reach for some people, because it'll require more patience and effort than most are willing to put in, but it's coming closer together week by week for me, and it'll all be worth it in the end. The only thing I will need luck with to finally live out my dream is my other half, a sweet, loving and caring woman.
In the meantime, while I wait for my life plans to unfold, I've been going on and off on a gaming project. Imagine playing pokemon, but with mario characters, and later in the game you can play as Legend of zelda characters, and kirby's guys, and donkey kong's, and earthbound guys, and pokemon themselves, and more. They will have their own worlds to explore, new and improved mechanics, moves, power ups, up to 600 characters to catch, easier way to catch shinies, making catching 1 of every guy as a shiny possible, and an all new dark form for everyone, and much more. Including the normal forms for each character, the shiny forms, the dark forms, and the various power up transformations and mega evolutions the characters can transform into, there will technically be over 2,500-3000 different characters to play as (rough guess) so most of the enemies or characters you played as or fought in the games you played as a kid, you might be able to fight as in this game. This won't be just a pokemon hack with mario faces cut and pasted on, it'll be it's own thing, something that could even rival Nintendo's quality. The only downside is, I'm busy, I'm doing this on my own, and I may retire before it's finished that's at least 40 years away, so that's a long time from now...) It'll be fun to make though Just ask and I'll fill in any details you may be interested in the game.
you are a legend
What's up?
Anybody home.
How was your Christmas?
What's up Doc.
Are you taking requests again?
How is it going on your side of town?