Car Chase Character DesignsAlfaFilly on DeviantArt

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Car Chase Character Designs



Our final in Advanced Storyboarding is coming up and we have to do a "Car Chase". Here is my gang for it!
I really, really adore my idea but can I get it done in 2 weeks realistically? Probably not :') We will seeeeee. I have a short and long version. Will do the short first and extend it if I have time.

If anyone reading this wants to dabble in some voice acting I would very much be interested in your services in exchange for art! I only need voices for one bunny and two canines (the drivers don't talk). Two ladies and one dude. Though I'll be subtitling it if there is no/not enough interest.

In case it isn't obvious, the two buns are essentially just rabbit versions of Jeremy and Linda. Because I like their shapes and personalities and thought they'd be interesting in this board.
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1541x736px 312.67 KB
© 2017 - 2025 AlfaFilly
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Cambion-Hunter's avatar
I like their design. Good job, Alfa. This sounds awesome. ^^