Your deviant art says you're twenty, but you act like a toddler who desperately needs a diaper change. If you can't handle homosexual relations, then get off the Internet. You're not homophobic, you're just an asshole. There is no such thing as homophobia. It's just an illusion, from what I've seen, you're jealous, lonely, and misunderstood. I'm very willing to be your friend if you'd give me the chance, because every one deserves a chance. Every one, no matter who you are, is a little gay. Men get jealous over the better phisique of another male, ladies get jealous because another female looks better in that dress, it's all some degree of gay, and it's not a bad thing, it's human and we can't stop it because it just happens. Love is love no matter how you look at it. Feel free to note me any time, alright? I don't want any more fighting because I'm sick of people not getting along at all, and it hurts me because I can't save and help everyone like I want to, so please, give me this change. -Liz