TL31 Fanart: Green DivisionAlexanderBranza on DeviantArt

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TL31 Fanart: Green Division



A Fan-art for  :iconmobiyuz: 's TL-31. It shouldn't be considered canon. The logo of the North American League has been taken from Mobiyuz's own North American League  flag. The patch has been inspired by OTL Blue Division's one.

The Green Division ("División Verde") was created and sent to the Pacific by the Spanish Republic as a gesture of gratitude to the support of the Post-American nations during WWII. The unit was equiped with NAL equipement and put under NAL Common Command. After its disastrous first action in the Battle of Timor, liberated Portugueses POW were added to replace the loses. This started the custom of replacing loses with portuguese and spanish-speaking soldiers, due to the distance from the motherland. Portugese, Mexican, Chilean, Argentinian and Filipino volunteers served among the ranks of Green Division. This custom inspired its devout commander, Divisional General* Antonio Escobar Huerta, to gave it the nickname "La Pilarica"**. Primarily an Army unit, the division fought on Indonesia, Malaya and the Phillipines, constantly improving its performance until the Liberation of Luzon, were Green Division prove pivotal in breaking japanese lines and capturing Manila, being the first allied unit to enter the city and avenging the humiliating defeat of Spanish forces during the Spanish-Japanese War in 1901.

After the war, the Division was demovilized, but some of its regiments and battalions are still part of the Spanish Army. The lessons learned from both Green Division and the Spanish Balcanic Expeditionary Army proved crucial for the needed reform of the Spanish Armed Forces durign the post-war era. 

 *Rank equivalent to Major-General in English-speaking countries.
**Monicker for Our Lady of the Pillar, patroness of the Hispanidad.
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1024x1069px 178.37 KB
© 2019 - 2025 AlexanderBranza
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