alex-the-artist01's avatar


Alex H.

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Deviation Spotlight

Yin Yang by alex-the-artist01, visual art

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Yin Yang

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Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Nov 26
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • He / Him
ArtFortunes: Participated in April Fools' Day 2021
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (96)
How to Draw Pikachu: Participated in Tutorials Campaign
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (2)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
My Bio

just an average guy looking for love

my favorite quotes

"you can't have your actors just announce how they feel; that makes feel me angry!" the robot devil

"this concept of wuv confuses and infuriates us"
ler of the planet omicron Persia 8

"Lois, lunch is a sin, taking a break is a sin, bestiality is a sin, not sure how that came up exactly..."
peter griffin

"it's better they here it from me now, then from their parents when they're old enough" Homer Simpson

If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

Your modesty is indecent. Hawk eye

most video tape was destroyed in 2446 during the second coming of Jesus. professor Hubert Farnsworth

its true what they say women are from omicron Persia 7 men are from omicron Persia 9

your not nice. Robot devil

the very young do not always do as they are told.

In this house we obey the laws of thermo dynamics. Homer Simpson

good news everybody the university is bringing me up on disciplinary charges. Hebert Farnsworth

don't you ever knock, who knows what naughty things I could be watching I get new Orleans on this thing you know. Robot Santa

today teens have enough problems without me eating them. homer Simpson

"... it's just like making love you know left right rotate 62 degree's activate rooter." bender

Marge: revenge never solved anything.
Homer: then what are we doing in Iraq?

"Breathing is good. I defiantly want to make a habit of that." Arthur

"it Togs first time, BE GENTAL!" tog of the planet Amazonia

"I had this dream that me and my family were just cartoon characters, and our shows success created a huge propaganda channel called fox news." Bart Simpson

"good jobs good, shady jobs bad" chii

"having sex on prom night is as American as our 51st state Saudi isrealea" jenda

"if you like to join please keep your arms and legs outside the pentagram." Lisa Fukuyama

"this can only end in tears" Marvin

"quit flirting with that tree and get over here" Cacao

mew: what the hell is that? Excuse me what on earth are you watching in the middle of broad daylight?
Ren: it's called porn.

"at first I went mad of course, but after a few millennia I got bored of that to and went sane." paradox

the appetizer is red snapper Carpaccio topped with caviar, the soup is golden consume, the main dish is roasted hole pig and roasted hole cow and roasted hole elephant, and roasted whole creature of unknown origin

but it seemed like such a waist to have it stay empty after the hot spring dried up so I did what any right thinking person would I filled it with alligators and bananas.

"I have been a hunter of peace, chasing the elusive may fly known as love; for many many moons now there is no rest for me in search of peace. I meditate diligently every morning; the subjects are life and love. I quit after three seconds" vash the stampede

Current Residence: mn

Favourite Movies
thomas crown affair
Favourite Games
diablo 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
women, art, music, women, tv, video games, did i mention women

small update

0 min read
while i was going to start uploading again on here next week i am pushing my uploads to december 8th the reason for this is i lost a week do to the election do to the feeling of oh god oh god we are all screwed and then having to make plans to buy things now and going out and doing that means i have more to do now then i was planning to means i got to push back my uploads. on hear im still uploading to my patreon alextheartist01 | Patreon to all my US based watchers i say if there is anything you need in the next 5 years or something you've always wanted buy it NOW its only going to get way more expensive get it now while its cheap. and even though i work in retail and hate when people do this i still say start hording stuff now to save money the tariffs and new sales taxes will end up making things way way more expensive.
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0 min read
starting this week and going through the week of November 24 I will not be uploading on both and partly to reset my algorithm on alex-the-artist01, but mostly to try and catch up on my photo editing do to life stuff and how the new studio function takes me longer to do uploads I am way behind on my photo editing since I'm still working on editing my photos from my June trip to Utah and October is almost over I need to buckle down and work on that stuff. Hopefully at least get started on Katlyn Lacoste photos before Charlie Kristine comes to town. the only place I plan on doing any uploads will be my Patreon page alextheartist01 | Patreon since that takes at worst 5 minutes of time about every 2-3 weeks.
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my 2024

0 min read
this photo i took today sums up almost every photoshoot I've had this year i swear I'm cursed
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Donation Pool

If you enjoy my art donate here

if you like what i shoot here then i put up this donation pool to help me pay the model fees this is a stop gap measure while i figure out if i should start a patreon/bentbox account

0/10000 points

Profile Comments 1.7K

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alex-the-artist01's avatar
WilliamLeeMusic's avatar

Thanks for adding View of Bow Lake and the Mountains to your Favourites.

alex-the-artist01's avatar
169DesktopWallpapers's avatar

Thanks for adding 24 Karat Gold as a Favourite ❤️

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