Raffle: win designs and points!!!
www.deviantart.com/journal/Raf... Karkat bb
MAH ART FB: www.facebook.com/pages/Ale/160...
Here, have some artists.
range:Galuxxx commissions:
Cheap commissions pls (leanme PLS)GuysGUYSThere are a couple books out there that I really want to get, they have a special value for me because one is from an artist that moves and inspires me deeply, and the other one is about a fascinating topic and a friend of mine is among the illustrators, together with great artists like Santiago Caruso. I'm going to try my best to gather the money I need to buy at least one of them :icongtthplz: You would help me a lot if you could tell others about this <3 ESP:Hay un par de libros que de verdad deseo conseguir. Tienen un valor especial para mí porque uno es de un artista a quien admiro y que me inspira mucho, y el otro es sobre u...
some plz I don't want to forget: