-::Turned And Tossed up::- by AlenaJay, literature
-::Turned And Tossed up::-
Catch the Sand beneath your f
t Now have you made me? Mould me as clay... Chisel my mind and make me crave intoxication for something I hate. YOU see colour in grayscale and use ARTISTIC LISCENCE on my permission to F
Y I'll...
Current Residence: Midlands Favourite genre of music: Emo (I guess) Favourite style of art: Photo Manipulation Operating System: Windows MP3 player of choice: Ipod Favourite cartoon character: Spongebob Squarepants Personal Quote: "If You Can't Live Forever Live Just Long Enough To Watch Your Enemies Die"
I'm still here, just a little slower than I used to be! alot to do!
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