Big FanartAleksaBG on DeviantArt

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Big Fanart



A big piece of fanart of various shows, games, ext i did a while back.

I posted several individual characters from it on their own, like lapis and paridot, bakugo, dirk...

I felt that it would be best to post the full version now since i feel like my style and skill has alredy developed and i can tell there is a difference between some of my older and newer stuff, and i don't want the gap to be even bigger as i post more art.

Here is whats on the image:
Bill Cypher from gravity falls
Discord from my little pony
Asriel from undertale
Grell from black butler
Dirk Strider from homestuck

Sylveon from pokemon

The moon from soul eater

Star Butterfly from star vs the forces of evil

Lapis Lzuli and Paridot from steven universe
Catnoir and ladybug from Miraculous adventures of ladybug and catnoir

Edward from full metal alchemist (and full metal alchemist brotherhood)

Craig and Tweek from southpark
Ghostfreak from ben 10
Bakugo from my hero academia
Lord turrets from stick figures
Saitama and Genos from one punch man

Bender from futurama

Rick from rick and morty

Gir from invader zim

Courage from courage the cowardly dog

Facts core from portal 2

one one from infinity train

Pepermint butler from adventure time

Evil sandwich from wander over yander

Peashooter from plants vs zombies

Daria from daria

Panty and Stocking from panty and stocking with garderbelt

Popiko and Pipimi from pop team epic

Korosensei from assassination clasroom

Rin and Len Kagimine the vocolods

The girl with the tv head from the song Echo

The beast from the garden wall


The Puppet/Marionette from five nights at freddies

Remor from fran bow

Aku from samurai jack

Plank from ed edd and eddy

Image size
3000x3860px 4.69 MB
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LaineeC's avatar

Absolutely love this

I know a lot of these