Hi all!I haven't been on dA for, let's say, quite a while. I also haven't been drawing much during the past two years, but I plan to change that! I've followed a painting course, which I really liked; it was a way to make myself actually do something creative, even if I was very busy, and also a way to get a lot of feedback on my work. So now that the painting course is over I need other ways to give drawing/painting some priority and get feedback. That was the moment I realised I should maybe get back on dA. =P
So, here I am, sorry for my enormous time of absence, I hope to be able to give a lot of feedback and compliments to other artist...
Hi!I just wanted to tell you that I'm still alive =P After the summer my courses started, and since then I've been busy all the time. I really like my study (studies) but it feels bad that I don't have time to make any drawing at all. Or well, to be honest, I've made one drawing, but I still have to scan it =P Also I don't really feel the urge to upload anything on dA anymore because I hardly get any comments. Some time not so very soon I'll try becoming more active, and try to get some more comments =PThis year is really great so far. I've made some new friends, and I love all my homework, I like Histos, the.. I don't know the word in Eng...
Hi =)First of all, Eline's, or :devshiaine:'s contest, about emotion.
The winners have been announced, and as promised I'm going to feature the first three places :)The first place has been won by :devcelestinagrey:, with the beautifully written Stages of Depression .The second place has been won by :devsaimain:, with the amazingly beautiful Come Away With Me . It's featuring Shiaine's characters. :)The third place has been won by me, and the drawing can be found next to my journal =PI'm sorry for not being able to feature the winners with thumbs, but well, clicking a link is almost the same I think =PAnd now I'll chitchat a little about...