Princess Pony Gala DressesAldriona on DeviantArt

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Aldriona's avatar

Princess Pony Gala Dresses



So.... Apparently this is what happens when I'm bored and allows creativity to run wild. Overwhelming girlyness.

I obviously didn't create the entirety of this. Poses are stolen from various disney princesses and designs from MlP:Friendship is Magic. But then again, that was the whole idea of the picture. :)

EDIT: To celebrate the start of season two, I made a sister picture to go with it!
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1607x1005px 834.53 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Aldriona
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CobraFreek's avatar

These 'Equestria' style princesses are just darling!!  LUV the gowns by the way.  [PINK] Crown