AngelAlcine on DeviantArt

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Alcine's avatar




Wow, look what I found while cleaning up my room! :p This is OLD. I think I remember drawing it during my Première S (which means about...4-5 years ago?), and I was happy with it back then, except with the dress (which is odd, since lately I've been taking great care in drawing dresses, because it's something I really like doing, but when I drew this I guess I did not like drawing clothes too much :p). The foldings and all this on the dress really sucks, and it pains me because I realize I really like the face (the hair is not so great either, but as I said this is an old thing, and I daresay I can do hair better than this now).

And since I still like it, well, here you go. Angsty angel girl, sitting on a tree... ^__^
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1237x1736px 397.27 KB
© 2005 - 2025 Alcine
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calismo-destiny's avatar
Once again, amazing. The dress looks like it was drawn carefully to me but then again that may be because I can't draw and everything looks wonderful. -laugh- Wai! This was drawn four years ago? The improvement between those four years is probably amazing. Great job!
