Spawnalbreech on DeviantArt

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albreech's avatar





Its about time!!! My first Spawn in many many years.
Yes boys and girls, I loooove Spawn. He's one of my favourite comic characters. I remember buying "Spawn/Batman", that was the very first time i knew 'bout Spawn and i was shocked. Then, from that day forward, i bought lots and lots of his comics. Another thing that cought my eye was the amazing art of Todd McFarlane (yes, the same dude that made me love Spiderman even more =D) and some numbers later the introduction of Capüllo rocked my socks off totally :dizzy:.
they both are 2 of my comic idols, in fact, some part of my style i owe it to them.

Indeed, this little piece is a tribute to them, i even went back to my roots and mixed old with new style, damn! The colouring was tough, but fun. I've alwas dreamed to see a spawn cover made by me, so what a hell!, its time i did mine ^L_^. It took me 1 1/2 days to finish it, and to tell u the truth, im happy and pleased with it.

Now, why the hell i like Spawn?...well, 'cause he's the coolest/darkest/powerfull/fearless & awesome character ever!!!....¡hmp!...yiep....and now that i remember, im glad the "Spawn/Batman" crossover took place back in the days when Spawn didnt took fully control of his powers, he was still united with "Al Simmons", didnt killed Malebolgia yet and was "procclaimed" as the "ruler of the 8th hell's rings" and more important of all, when he decided to join Gaia to be her/his "champion" and protector of the Earth!!...uff!...yiep, poor Batman, if this was the case...good old Batsy wouldnt be here with us ^_^

:work: TOOLS:
:bulletred: - Faber-Castell pencil pen#2
:bulletred: - Pilot's Precise V5 extra fine marker
:bulletred: - Sharpie's fine point marker
:bulletblue: - Adobe Photoshop
:bulletblue: - Genius tablet
Image size
2460x3502px 4.93 MB
© 2009 - 2025 albreech
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X-distroyer's avatar
Amazing work, I like it.