alberich's avatar


Alberich M.
280 Deviations
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (285)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (1)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (7)
Hype: You got hyped up! (1)
Nice Shot: Nice shot! (2)
My Bio

Current Residence: The Bay
Favourite style of art: Subtle Surreality
Favourite cartoon character: Ren
Personal Quote: My work is not stock. I have agreements with the models that allow me to distribute their images.

Favourite Visual Artist
Michael Parkes, Maxfield Parrish, ~kalifla
Favourite Movies
To Have and Have Not (Bacall at 18)
Favourite Writers
Tools of the Trade
Nikon D3, PS
Other Interests
sculpture, painting, photography
... and I don't necessarily support it in the various ways the entertainment industry abuses it. It is certainly more often used to protect conglomerates than creative artists.But taking me to task because you either don't think it should be that way, or you just don't believe me, is kind of missing the point.If you think I'm wrong about what the law says, go do your own research and satisfy yourself that you're right ... all I tried to do was make people aware of the issues. You can choose for yourself to what degree you're going to let the opinions of others affect what you create. I don't give out my work as stock because I committed to...
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I get asked constantly if someone can "base" a painting off of one of my photographs. More often, someone just does it and then demands my permission after the fact ...About 35 years ago, I did something similar ...I found a photograph I really liked and I based a painting on it, changing minor details that clashed with my sense of composition. It was of a woman sitting on a chair, facing away and looking backwards at the camera. I spent a long time on it and really liked it once I was done.I showed it to a gallery owner along with some more original works and he thought it was the best of them. But he said "That woman looks familiar, who'...
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I keep getting asked how I *do* the reflections. There seems to be a common misapprehension that because I am forced to do quite a lot of retouching in PhotoShop that I am in fact manufacturing the reflections there.Strictly speaking, this is not possible for a number of reasons, although I know many people do a quite credible job and no one seems to notice the difference.But imagine holding a cup upside down over a mirror. (We're all more or less visually oriented people here, so I am not going to try to prove it with illustrations but if any of this is unclear go ahead and try it out literally.)When you look down on the cup over the mirr...
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Profile Comments 1.3K

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LightBend's avatar

Hi Alberich,

Your moral support and example on Flickr paid off. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I have come far, I think.

Quarry Mermaid
Night Swimming
Sea Creatures Belong At Sea, Not MarineLand
SamUwater DSC0174 SmartObj-1 1000x666
 DSC0754 v2 960x1444
JulieAtaraCanadaUnderwater DSC0883
RCfaeBackLitEditNipCensorWider DSC0913 V3 998x1003
Casette-3DArtist's avatar

Hi. I suppose you don't remember me. Deviant 14 years ago, I left the site. But online again and sharing my artwork.

organicvision's avatar

Are you still connected on DA?

PapalGuard's avatar

Loving your underwater work!

julioacosta's avatar

I love it, you have excellent material here, bye and good luck

LABodyMapping's avatar
Fabulous! Your work is amazing! Great project👍