Make a Wishakirakirai on DeviantArt

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akirakirai's avatar

Make a Wish



Long time no see, DeviantART! Many things have happened for the better and for the worse over the long time I haven't been here.
I am very happy and I hope you can tell by this painting! I used my hands as a reference. The hair was the most difficult part of the pic for once lololol

Thank you so much for sticking with me through all this time! :hug: I'm so sorry for not having been able to reply to many people and seeming like I disappeared - I haven't forgotten I have just been going through a lot of stuff! Thank you for understanding :heart:

I will be at FANIME CON in San Jose tomorrow at table 112, if you are going there I hope to see you!

art (c) me - programs = OpenCanvas + Photoshop CS6
Image size
776x1200px 795.55 KB
© 2014 - 2025 akirakirai
anonymous's avatar
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Saburotony's avatar

Hi pretty, you've got the most beautiful art that I have ever seen 🌹 🌹 🌹