Right nowAkiaWalker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/akiawalker/art/Right-now-639312510AkiaWalker

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AkiaWalker's avatar

Right now



Gift for :icongrimoire-noir:
Thank you for putting up with me. <3

pencil, ink and gold gouache
Image size
709x800px 597.76 KB
© 2016 - 2025 AkiaWalker
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AirShade's avatar
Hi there! I’m here from Project Comment :) (Smile)
I think this s like the third piece that I comment on, but the best thing is that I never get bored with your art :). I found this deviation through the weekly commenting project and I must say, that is a really interesting piece of art. I like the characters so much. I can feel the love betweenthe two, and the most important thing on a dawing ( at least I think so ) is thet something hits the viewer, some emotions. They seem to be so happy!
And now from the tehmical part: the anatomy is great and the shadings are perfectly done. Also the background is not overloaded, but it is there. All the tools you used (
pencil, ink and gold gouache) are super hard to combine and to make something ... recognizable, but you made the combination between the three to look like they were meant to create this deviation. 
The only thing I would sugest you is to shade the lower part of the mans lips, because it looks like his teeths ( from the first view ).
Anyway, great deviation and keep working! Also, have a happy new year!