Orc ShamanAJNazzaro on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ajnazzaro/art/Orc-Shaman-315952623AJNazzaro

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Orc Shaman




Some Shaman are born to be spirital leaders and guide their people through a deep connection with the elements. Some Shaman give into the bloodlust and bring an unending savage onslaught of ferocity and destruction to battle.

This image... depicts the latter.

My biggest quarrel with Blizzard in the history of WoW was allowing Alliance to be shaman and Horde to be Paladins. What a terrible terrible unforgivable decision. One of the coolest parts of Vanilla for sure - made the tension between factions seem a bit more like a rivalry.

Now that Ive gotten that nerd rant out of the way! This is the third image in my WoW series.

Check out my previous two here:

Tools: Photoshop Cs4
Art by: AJ Nazzaro
Image size
1728x1296px 1.46 MB
© 2012 - 2025 AJNazzaro
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VoidWarhammer's avatar
Great art!! Always felt the same about paladins and shamans. They just gave in to the whining, or it was just too hard to balanced but separate classes. Either way, really a shame....