Gangle looking for her Diary BookAjb10ajb10 on DeviantArt

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Gangle looking for her Diary Book



Gangle looking for her Diary Book

this is Roleplay

last time on this art:

Ajb10 found Gangle Diary book

Ajb10 found Gangle Diary book

Pomni (the Amazing Digital Circus)

Gangle (the amazing digital circus)

Ragatha (the amazing digital circus)

*Gangle Screamed and then Pomni and Ragatha came to Gangle room*

Ragatha: Gangle!

Pomni: are you ok?

Ragatha: did Jax did this to you?!

Gangle: no, it was my Diary Book!

Ragatha: oh, what is your Diary Book look like?

Gangle: it was red Diary Book.

Pomni: did you left your Red Diary Book somewhere?

Gangle: yeah, it think it was a somewhere in Digital Circus.

Ragatha: don't worry lets go find a Red Diary Book.

*Ragatha and Pomni looking for Gangle Red Diary and then didn't find it*

Gangle: did you find it?

Ragatha: no, sorry about that Gangle.

Pomni: yeah sorry, we didn't find it.

Gangle: oh no, what if Jax found my red Diary and read it about it and then Jax really try to hurt me?!

Ragatha: oh don't worry Jax will never find it, but what if Ajb10 found your Red Diary book and read it about it and then Ajb10 smile and give it to you?

*Gangle Gasp*

Gangle: that it, I think that is guy, Ajb10, I feel safe with him.

Pomni: I think so.

Ragatha: don't worry, I will call Ajb10.

*Ragatha Calling Ajb10*

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© 2025 Ajb10ajb10
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