SasuSaku Winter DesktopAishiteru1984 on DeviantArt

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SasuSaku Winter Desktop


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Finally I uploaded a new desktop screenshot. :giggle: I have had my new laptop for almost a year and just didn't come up with a very creative wallpaper until this one. :)

I combined 3 screencaps together to create this prettiful wallpaper when I couldn't decide between two screencaps for my wallpaper. ^^; Two of the screenshots are from the first Naruto movie and the other one is from another anime. I'll give a :cookie: to whomever can figure out the third one. ;P

I love the couple Sasuke and Sakura so much and I love snowfakes, so naturally I would put the two together.

Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha belong to the creator of Naruto Masashi Kishimoto, and its respective owners.
Image size
900x563px 100.32 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Aishiteru1984
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I love the words