Ainsley McNeely
I'm a full time artist dividing my time mostly between the US southeast & Montana/Wyoming. I spend a lot of time in the field- photographing or plein-air painting. I work primarily in oil, casein, pastel, graphite, watercolor & ink (plus generally one sculpture a year). I also paint miniatures and am a co-founder of my state's miniature art society. I am a Lyme survivor and in my spare time I do rehab work with animals.
Current Residence: USA
Favorite genre of music: all kinds!
Lovely work!
when you come back pls submit these historical artwork to my historical military group :
Announcement - New Management and Contest![]()
Hello to all members of TraditionalPainting,
My name is Elsa, I'm from Portugal and this is a quick note to let you know that I have become the Founder of this lovely group.
On the next days I'll be organizing this group and the submissions will be open as usual.
I have other four groups that will be affiliated with this one, and the 5 will work together.
You may have interest in:
:iconsoulcollectors: Soulcollectors accepts all drawings and paintings (traditional and digital art);
:iconthefavouriteshowcase: TheFavouriteShowcase accepts all art, except literature;
:iconallartsupport: AllArtSupport accepts all art, except literature.
If you like photography you may also like :iconglobal-photos: Global-Photos accepts all photography and photomanipulation.
All deviants are welcome to join these groups and submit their art, neither of the 4 groups are elitist, we really like your artistic vision and effort at trying to be the be