Suspicion begets curiosity.Aikurisu on DeviantArt

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Aikurisu's avatar

Suspicion begets curiosity.



Update: Worked some more on the shadows for the characters. Darkened Klaus' beard a fraction and put a bit more life in his eyes. Darkened a great deal of the spy's lower part of her cloak so as to feel more in the background. Highlighted her inner garment.

Of other mention, I changed the category to a wallpaper, however it's still technically digital art. The only pencil on paper attributes went to the original line work of the character's faces and Klaus' anatomy. As for the background? Created with the tablet.

So what's to be said about the theme? Our sceptical Lord Klaus Lysandra, is secretly meeting with one of his family's loyal guardians of the realm. It's more past tense a year before the fiction's storyline takes place, so the relevance of the cloaked woman's identity will be told in later chapters to come. Here, she is about to receive a message tube describing new mission elements. That said, Klaus met her along a defensive line near Tearwen's northern inlet. Sadly it looks under guarded from years of neglect.
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1024x779px 303.4 KB
© 2005 - 2025 Aikurisu
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TheComplex's avatar
you went a bit more for face texture it seems