Modell 1916 Felduniform [AH-OTL]Aikouku on DeviantArt

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Modell 1916 Felduniform [AH-OTL]



..and like i promised

The same roster from two weeks ago, albeit in feldgrau following the adaptation of the Modell 1916 uniform; as a consequence comes new uniforms and insignia for personnel, even moreso with the private-purchase Karlbluse that was mostly brought by field officers due to shortages of proper uniforms. While feldmützen would still be the prevalent headgear worn by Austro-Hungarian personnel, German-made stahlhelm would take play as their standard-issue helmet; the locally produced, closely related Berndorfer starting from 1917 would only garner around 170,000 or so made.

Included is a feldgendarmerie, late-war M1908s, greatcoats, Bosniaks, a Karlbluse, and the uniform of high-command officers. Versus the vivid hechtgrau uniforms of before the war, the feldgrau at least gives the wearer some semblance of security in the field.
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