My dream...AidenHacker700 on DeviantArt

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AidenHacker700's avatar

My dream...



This art shows my dream.

I dreamed of Agent 47, we were going somewhere together, talking about anything . I honestly don't remember for what about ... No, I disagree! 

It was a location as if it were heaven or just very bright weather. On the right there was a grid fence, high and there behind it various trees, and on the left there were also glades and trees, already without a fence. It was all in warm beige tones, and in the middle there was a path along which they actually walked.

I talked to him for a long time, but then it seemed to me that something was wrong with him ...
I tell him: wait, you are not real 47 ..

He replied that it was true. in fact, he is a talking cosmo cat (as in Rick and Morty there was such a cat (although there was no such thing that the cat reincarnated in other characters or their bodies) who took on such an appearance and that now he will leave with a hint that it is time for me to wake up already.

I shouted : wait !!!!
I still want to say goodbye even if he is not real so Crying 

And we hugged so tight, I felt how tall he was and how low I was and I plunged into him and then... The end... I woke up Crying 
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© 2021 - 2025 AidenHacker700
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