My name is Ryan. Aidan Christopher is my son. What better name than your sons for a business? anyways. Life is art and art is passion. I love drawing just about anything. Im usually open for commissions. They usually take a minute cause I have a lot going on.
Contact me at
Ask away... Imagination is only the begining.
just joined the scoundrel art community. its a pretty cool place to check out some sketch card work and artist info.
i was asked for prices on personal Sketch cards. I figured here is the best place for such a thing.
I would say for a basic sketch card i would let em run for $10
for a full colored card, $20.
What say you?
Current Residence: Lancaster Ca
deviantWEAR sizing preference: n/a
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Favourite style of art: cartoons and comics
Operating System: pc
MP3 player of choice: itouch
Personal Quote: Imagination is only the begining