Kia 2021 (Dnd ver??)Aibyou on DeviantArt

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Kia 2021 (Dnd ver??)



The himboification of Kia
...I mean he's always been a himbo but now he has the calves to back it up lool

But yea here's my DnD-ified version of Kia!! I wanted to go full out on the visually flashy demi-god look (even though that's not necessarily what he is), so I gave him more lucious hair, nice colorful clothes and generally kept to his original flashy wing style although a bit more streamlined without all the filigree

He's not in a game yet but I do have him lined up for one where he'll most likely be a Monk in the Way of the Astral Self! His wings will act as his 'extra arms' in a sense and the golden tips become as durable as metal. Also got some other fun abilities for him but i'm still hashing them out for when he's actually in a game ;v;b

art, character, Kia (c) :iconaibyou:
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2933x2474px 4.55 MB
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