ahollowvoice's avatar


wears so thin.
280 Watchers260 Deviations

'gainst the willow. by ahollowvoice, literature

as green circles on dark water by ahollowvoice, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

  • Jan 13
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (37)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR

Favourite Movies
good will hunting. shawshank redemption.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
elliott smith. the movielife. get up kids. blind pilot. TFC.
Favourite Writers
Sarah Vowell, Frank McCourt, Malachy McCourt, W.B. Yeats, James Joyce, Albert Camus
Favourite Games
chasing sleep.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360.
Tools of the Trade
Canon Rebel T2, 35mm film. Canon Digital Rebel XT. Black ink ball-point pen. A brush.

august 2013.

0 min read
[ gallery ] - [:devElectrikshock:] - [:devcam91:] Between the World and I, There is a Camera - A lot has changed for me since my last journal entry. Most of it is far too personal to talk about in an open journal post but I was getting very tired of looking at that past journal entry and thought that I should make some kind of an effort with the old dA account. - I miss sharing my creativity with friends and peers more than I can say. I'll do my best to get motivated and post more often here but we all know that I've said this before and still remained a ghost. - If anyone has the desire to get in touch with me please drop me a note, I ch...
anonymous's avatar
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may 2011.

0 min read
[ gallery ] - [:devahollowstock:] - [:devashescry:] - [:devElectrikshock:] - [:devcam91:] - [ music ] Between the World and I, There is a Camera - Wow, it has been over a year since I wrote one of these. I am very sorry to all of the friends I have made that I have done a miserable job at keeping up and staying in touch with. I have been tremendously busy with school, family, loss, and life. I miss this place a lot sometimes, but I am also glad I don't spend as much time here as I used to. What I miss most about deviantART is being creative and sharing that creativity with friends and the people I care about. - For whatever reason I have ...
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sunday, march 7

0 min read
[ gallery ] - [:devahollowstock:] - [:devashescry:] - [:devElectrikshock:] - [:devcam91:] - [ music ] Between the World and I, There is a Camera - Where have I been? Very busy with school and buried under an avalanche of responsibilities and stresses that I do not feel I am ready for. I have had some old demons return to my life, but it is nothing I can't handle with the help of my family and my inner circle. I am sorry for falling out of touch with those of you I have befriended here on deviantART, I will make greater efforts to be on MSN, Skype, and perhaps dAmn to keep in touch with you all. I respond to notes on deviantART if there is...
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Profile Comments 747

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JenFruzz's avatar
Thank you for the watch :)
pyronixcore's avatar
I'm in love with mind o a man, for so many years... <3
Ravyns-Photography's avatar
:la: ♥ Thank you so much for the comments and the favourites Mikers. Luffs. And fluffs. And maybe sheeps and rainy day noises. 
Iceman1387's avatar
Mikey Still lives...Thus the Legend Continues....
ahollowvoice's avatar
Worst legend ever.
Iceman1387's avatar
Mikey dont make me call you a liar....