
Chewing Cotton Wool (Sly Cooper Parody)

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AgusTheLatinFurry's avatar

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He's the only one around

And he's sneaking in the dark

And he's cracking every case

He's the only thing in sight

He's the only one I see

And he's jumping through the air

He's the thief out in the night

He's everywhere

And he's looking from the roof

And he's dancing in the rain

He's the trailer for a game

He's the shadow at the end

He's the sound of your own voice

He's someone else's man

He's like living in the City of Light

He's the whirlpool in the sink

He's a memory I recall

And he's waiting in the desert

He's the devil on your shoulder

He's chewing cotton wool

A few years ago, probably back in 2020 when we were still in quarantine, I came across a beautiful song called Chewing Cotton Wool, apparently written about a lost loved one.

Today I made a Sly Cooper-esque-ish parody of it, altering the lyrics a bit to reference the game's titular protagonist, what he does and where he lives - the City of Light, better known as Paris, France.

I imagine this being from the perspective of Carmelita Fox, his girlfiend who constantly tries to put him in jail and only thinks of him 24/7. But I can also see it from my own perspective, at least in the last paragraph.

© 2024 - 2025 AgusTheLatinFurry
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TigerEgern's avatar

I subcontracted my shoulder angel and my shoulder devil to a gaggle of squirrels. They don't agree on anything, gives the worst advises in the world, leave an endless trail of acorn shells, and are generally a rowdy and obnoxious lot. But they get the job done: reminds me to take my meds, skip as many snacks as possible, and provide an endless supply of typos and poor decisions. I couldn't be happier :D