Current Residence: Denver
deviantWEAR sizing preference: tentacles
Print preference: delicious
Favorite genre of music: Everything but I do love 80's/90's music
Favorite photographer: me mum
Favourite style of art: Fantasy/Conceptual Design
Operating System: GlaDOS
MP3 player of choice: My phone, duh.
Shell of choice: Adamantine
Wallpaper of choice: Something Fun
Skin of choice: Indestructible
Favorite cartoon character: Dr. Orpheus
Personal Quote: Now, a question of etiquette - as I pass, do I give you the ass or the crotch?
I haven't been fucked like that since gradeschool...
Hey there,
I happened upon your gallery, and am loving your images!
I believe that the group I administrate, would enjoy your work as well. I hope you'll consider joining, to showcase your work. It would enhance our gallery, and bring additional viewers to you.
Thanks in advance for your consideration, and for the awesome imagery!