Swiffer Sweeper l Stallion l ObertaurerAgentDarkhorse on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/agentdarkhorse/art/Swiffer-Sweeper-l-Stallion-l-Obertaurer-740557981AgentDarkhorse

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Swiffer Sweeper l Stallion l Obertaurer



Swiffer Sweeper
Sooty Pangare Bay Melt Snow 
[ 8yrs| 166 cm | Blue Eyes | Ee/AA/StySty/SplSpl/SbSb/PaPa/ff ] 
Handler: Sora Seed

-----------------------------------------------------------  Foundation
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-----------------------------------------------------------  Foundation
-----------------------------------------------------------  Foundation
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-----------------------------------------------------------  Foundation
----------------------------  Foundation
-----------------------------------------------------------  Foundation
----------------------------------------------  Foundation
-----------------------------------------------------------  Foundation

Official Report: This sweet guy was found in a forest,
skillfully having picked up a large branch with his tail, thus not really a challenge to catch.
-He definitely seemed like a happier guy without the large broom following him around...-
Turns out to be a peaceful, quiet fella with a lot of good will and understanding.
Sincerely hope he's going to have a good home!

Personality: Swiffer is an easy going fella who has no issues with nobody. He looks to please and is a very easy horse to train. Already he seems happy in his new home and his favorite hobby is following people along the fence line and watch what they're doing. Sora has already started him under saddle and he has taken it like a fish to water. There have been some minor hiccups, but by far Swiffer has been the easiest horse to train at ocotillo.

Temperament Scale:
1 <      10      > 10

-  Not a big roamer, when out in the pasture his favorite thing to do is wait at the fence and follow whoever walks by. 

-He is a bit spooky around is hind end due to him being caught up in the wild so its is pertinent to be cautious and let him know you are there. 

Barn #: 3
Stall #: 2
Turnout: South Arena / Pasture #1

Training / Experience

Current Discipline: English Hunter

Training Proofs: 
Here | Here | Here | Here |Here 

Show Career

HARPG Record:  0/ 0 / 0 (0)
LTE: $0

Horse's Ribbon Board

Horse's Trophy Cabinet

Horse's Rug Collection

Misc. Awards:
none at this time...

Show Entry / Placing Proofs:

-The Musical | Let us Meat You

Show Name Here | results link here
-Class Name Here | Placing Here

Registration / Titles

List of Certificates / References:

Offspring / Breeding Information

Available to Public?: No
Stud Fee: Closed
Rules: Requires Full Body Breeding Image 
Restrictions: Obertaurers or breeds that can produce pure obertaurers only

Booked Breedings:

To - Other Parent Name Here 

Offspring:  0 |  0
1. Offspring Name Here, colour breed gender, title if any, Owned by name here

Misc. Information

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Design © abosz007 
Art/Character/ect © AgentDarkhorse
Image size
2048x1536px 1.21 MB
© 2018 - 2025 AgentDarkhorse
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LetFreedomReign2's avatar
Aww... He's so cute!