Age-of-Chronos's avatar


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Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Mar 26, 1996
  • United States
  • Deviant for 9 years
  • He / Him
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (508)
Twist Fate: I commented on Twist Fate!
My Bio

Profile: Male/20/6'4"/Native Caublaxican (You can probly figure out what that is)/lazy and fun/LOVE games.

Hey, I'm not really good at intros but if you are laid back, chill, mellow, love video games and anime then we can be friends. Please, if you are reading this look at all of my gallery and, if you have the time, comment on something. I can't grow as an artist if I don't get any comments and critiques on my art. Also, if you have the time to give me a llama, give me a watch or some favorites instead. I appreciate the Llamas but they don't help me in any way! (if you REALLY want to give me a Llama, I cant stop you.)

Thank you to any fans I have out there for your ongoing support!

Dante Jacob Reyna

Favourite Visual Artist
Kosuke Fujishima, Yūsuke Kozaki, Hidari ("Left-side")
Favourite Movies
Donnie Darko, Drive, All the Harry Potter movies, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Catch Me if You Can, Gone Girl, Hollywood land, pretty much any movie with Ben Afleck or Leonardo DiCaprio, MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (best movie EVER)
Favourite TV Shows
Most shows on the NBC lineup. Hannibal, Fix it & Finish it, Seinfeld, Cougar Town, Community, The Office, Parks & Rec, 30 Rock, iZombie, a bunch of anime, etc...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
THE STROKES, Haitus Kaiyote, Carly Rae Jepsen, Draft Punk, Many ofvtge Vocaloids (mostly Miku). And many others.
Favourite Books
Not very many. Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter.
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
SOOOOOOOO many. Cannot even begin to list them. Well, my most favorite is Earthbound.
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS3/WiiU, 3Ds, Wii, PS2, Ds,
Tools of the Trade
Ummm... I can make mean pencil drawing.
Other Interests
I don't really know.
This is the place where I require everyone who wants a request to comment what they want done: the rules and regulations are also going to be here for your ease of access.RULES:1. No NSFW art is accepted; that means no nudity like the exposure of genitalia, female breasts, or butts. Also no oversexualized features like gargantuan breasts, butts, or anything like that.2. I will only accept 3 requests at one time and it isn't first come first serve, but I will pick which ones I want to do if there are more than 3.3. Please don't ask me to do anything that involves kissing, or anything more intimate: I'm not against it, I'm just not very deve...
anonymous's avatar
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I'm gonna apologize again for vanishing so easily: I have been busy with family stuff and I've been drawing a lot in the meantime. I'll save you guys the trouble of a long-winded explanation and just start posting crap I've done over the past few months.Also, I will be accepting requests 3 at a time, so if you'd like that, it can be done now that I know I can handle it!
anonymous's avatar
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Well, you guys must've expected this again with a track record like mine, and I want to apologise for leaving you without any word. I have some legitimate reasons for being gone but I'll spare you some time by stating the most prominent of them all; my phone broke about a week ago when I had considered posting again, but my phone had been infected by a virus and i lost everything on it... I had ideas, pictures, etc that were all important to me, and theyre most likely gone forever. There is a chance at retrieving them, but hope is minimal.All of that aside, I have at least 8 or 9 new drawings to post AND my new phone has better camera qual...
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Profile Comments 1K

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TheItalianBoyx's avatar
Do you take request ? 
Age-of-Chronos's avatar
Sure, shoot. Just no NSFW or anything I'm not comfortable drawing.
TheItalianBoyx's avatar
Request 1, because I'm thinking of two request idea. 

It will be fine that you can draw me request 1 of my favorite otp couple of my anime oc rival Jasper and Lucina both of them were hugging and kissing each other, in traditional color drawing? If that is alright? Here my request idea though, this is my favorite couple and it means alot to me.

Note: Jasper wear gloves

Age-of-Chronos's avatar
Eh, I don't mean to disappoint, but I'm not exactly good at drawing people kissing, not would it feel right to me unless it was something I wanted... If that makes any sense. (Like, someone else's pairing won't be seen as correct in my eyes so I couldn't support it...)
SiwySzczur's avatar
Age-of-Chronos's avatar
Thank you! I hope you enjoyed your stay on my page!
SiwySzczur's avatar
No problem, I like good art:) I invite you to my gallery:)If you like my work, watch me :)