Green Eggs and Ham with TiggerAfroOtaku917 on DeviantArt

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Green Eggs and Ham with Tigger



Ah Green Eggs and Ham. One of my favorite Dr. Seuss stories for it's iconic rhymes and moments, and having a really good message that I respect more to this day. I also remember the old cartoon based off it. When I first watched, I didn't take much notice with how Sam I Am and Guy I Am sounded....until the moment the latter finally tries the Green Eggs and Ham when he gave a familiar sounding laugh I knew too well.

I find it really cool how Paul Winchell was the original voice of Tigger, but also contribute to another childhood icon. Shows how great a range the guy had.

Green Eggs and Ham (c) Dr. Seuss

Tigger (c) A. A. Milne
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BlazeHeartPanther's avatar

Yep, Paul Winchell voiced all three of these characters.