I'm moving to Cologne.
the cologne international school of design took me and now I'm becoming a photographer =)
it starts in august.
my subscription is over.
I'm not buying another the next time. at first i have to make some more pics.
but i really want to make some more. got time now.have a good time
'ta luegoafri
I'm not uploading pics in the next time - I've really much to do..
Last week i was in hamburg to visit a university and I showed them my portfolio - next week i hope to get an answer...
Now I'm in Koblenz (Germany). there is a event for democracy in schoolsystems and many other things.
Tuesday I'm flying to Valencia (Spain). sooo... not much time...I still have my probs with css.
:iconkuschelirmel: now tries to make a nice one for me..thx so much!!!!!!!!!!
(omg - my english is really bad today)..another thing --> :iconcrewshe: is new on devart but his stuff is great - please take a look::thumb50456971:greetz
hi there PLEASE VOTE for this tshirt i designed for dA and asks all your friends to vote too!! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaasee please please PULEEAASEE <3 [link]