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The Two Kings Revolution: Chapter II V2 by Omega-Killer, literature

The Two Kings Revolution: Chapter I V2 by Omega-Killer, literature

Comments 23

anonymous's avatar
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The-Second-Brother's avatar
Is original material allowed here?  Like say, stuff I draw that I just made up myself, for my own projects?
HaseoYashimora's avatar
yes long as its sci fi and right folders
The-Second-Brother's avatar
Shimmering-Sword's avatar
You know "Contributers" doesn't mean art contributers unless you plan to have a very small group of allowed artists. Contributers are meant to be your low level moderators, members are usually the people submitting art.
Also, what is this group?
HaseoYashimora's avatar
ah ok ill fix that, and its a sci fi group, i love your art and id be honored to have it in the group! still trying to get more people in here as well
Shimmering-Sword's avatar
There are already way too many scifi groups on DA, what does this one do differently?
Just saying your groups name is vague, there is no "vision statement" anywhere or any hint of what this group is about. You need to have unique goals and the right drive for a group to be worth making, otherwise it's just bloat.