Selena FlipsAfina79 on DeviantArt

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Afina79's avatar

Selena Flips



Another of my Shadowrun Characters. I had done some images of her in the past but wanted to give her a boost since my skills have improved. Felt I wasn't doing her justice before. Much happier with the result.

Selena is a Celtic Born elf but thanks to her brother was shipped off to Japan when she was less than a year old. (Well, not really thanks, her brother hates her but convinced her parents she would be safer elsewhere. Long story she has refused to go into detail about.)

When she was old enough she packed up and moved to Seattle, getting work with various high level corporations. After years of being in the "good world" she had had enough of the bureaucracy and the hypocrites. She began to seek work in the Shadows.

Because of her pretty face, ability to fast talk her way into anywhere and her knowledge of security procedures Subtlety Incorporated picked her up quickly. She worked her way of the ranks quickly and is now second in command of Security for the company's front. For their more "specialized" services she is a covert opt and helps to break them into various installations unnoticed.

She is agile and spends most of her time hanging from a grappling line or a rope than on the ground. Though she is well versed with a pistol, when push comes to shove she has a great deal more talent with a Monofilament Whip. Don't let her thin frame fool you, she has been known to subdue the largest of Trolls and Orcs when needed.

"There is more to me than just a pretty face."

Rendered in Studio.
Postwork in Photoshop Cs2.
Image size
2500x2187px 2.83 MB
© 2010 - 2025 Afina79
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PJFriel's avatar
Awesome pose! Did you paint the hair? It looks great!