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  • Deviant for 20 years
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)

New DA!

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This account will no longer be updated. Because it's so full of crap I don't want to delete, but still don't really wish to show off, I made a new account to start over from scratch and eliminate the junk so I don't have to look at it and be embarrassed and what-have-you. If you've been a faithful watcher and friend and still want to continue to keep up with me and my boredom, please comment or note me and I will direct you to the link. If you're just stumbling upon my art and want to see more, note me, and if you also make tasteful art and fave things OTHER than smut, I'll send my new DA your way :>This is also to eliminate all the pervs ...
anonymous's avatar
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I joined :iconKey-Holders:, and you should too. My character is Georgie Kinsella JOIN IT. ITS COOL. I am also a part of :iconRIP-academy:. My character is Azrael ben Asmodai should also go join Subeta. It's amazing., onto the stuff people care about - upcoming arts!Mostly finished: + [needs one 'lekku'] ToV: JudithNeeds some work...In order of importance/possibility of completion:+ [final lines] Tant in chair + [lines, ink/color] Subeta: Iskander + [ink/color] ...
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
To anyone who ever wanted a pony. To anyone whose parents DENIED THEM REPEATEDLY. They have invented a cure.Ponystars:  is a true godsend. I have made more accounts than I need and still cannot get enough pony goodness. Try it.It's not as addicting as I make it sound. You really only have to sign on once a day and care for the ponies. You're not going to be on it all day every day, wasting your life like with that WoW crap. Even if you don't sign on, the ponies never die; they are only active as long as you are - so if you have a two day old pony and don't sign on for two ...
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anonymous's avatar
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X22X's avatar
Thanks for the fave, sugah!
ktkdk's avatar
Hello! I adore your art and I was wondering if you did subeta commissions. Aka: paid in SP. If so, what is your going rate?
AerisVampire's avatar
Thank you! I'm glad you like it :>
Pricing all depends on what you want... did you have anything specific in mind?
ktkdk's avatar
Well my whole description is a bit long XD but Ill give you a shortened version right now.

I love your style here: [link]

My character is TOTALLY different from that but I just adore the shading/art in general.

Id be looking for a waist up or fullbody. Depends on price. Also, I like the your pencil look. I actually dont want color XD

My character: A short-haired Caucasian girl-thief with freckles in a modified kimono. Sound interesting? If so, I can send you refs and the rest of my description of her.

If not, thats fine too. Also, what would your price be?
AerisVampire's avatar
I can do full shading like that, but I'm not sure how close to that particular style I can get it.. kind of not very good with duplicating things, but I will try. The character sounds do-able, yeah. As long as there's no monstery stuff, just plain old girl, it's all go.

Since I've never done subeta commissions before, I'm kind of guessing.. If I had to charge for the pic you linked, I think maybe 1m? Or hell, just pay what you think it's worth. If you don't like the finished product, I'm not going to make you pay all that much, it wouldn't be fair :>
tsukopathe's avatar
thanks for the favs ! If I make a story of [link] I warn you ^^ !
AerisVampire's avatar
No prob - you have some great stuff<3
Excellent, I'd love to read more about that. Its such a cooool idea!