Happy HalloweenAerindarkwater on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aerindarkwater/art/Happy-Halloween-185810950Aerindarkwater

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Happy Halloween



This is super late, but aw well.I had work to do and so I didn't get around to this earlier.
I wanted to try a different coloring approch and so this is a more animea-ish style with the hard lines and hard highlights. I think it came out pretty interesting with the bright bold color scheme.

Stck/references used:
The Witch pose by~:iconcait-shoxxi-stock: [link]

The cat reference by~:iconblackkitty666: [link]

The faded background that's above/blened with the stars (stars made by brush, not image) was from :iconxtheffviigirlx: textures package [link]

The moon was a brush and I got on a cd from a magazine, I don't know which one., but I liked over the moon to make it more graphic.
(Think that's all of the resources.. so not to keep track after while so sorry for my laziness, but at least I keep track of the major stock/references).

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3300x2550px 3.35 MB
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Your work is featured in my journal among other uses of my stock:
Enjoy! :blowkiss: