It all started with boredom... That's what happens when the only two familiar places you're accustomed to is your apartment and office (with the occasional bars during Fridays as a release).
Why aeonsiege? It takes AEONs for me to finish a painting. SIEGE is the combination of the last syllable of my given name and first syllable of my last name...
Stuff about me:
I am a Landscape Designer
I started coffee painting last February... Or March maybe...
I am self-taught
I have drawn since I was 4
A natural procrastinator
I love using dry media and it reflects I guess even when I use watercolor or coffee
I love portraits (started drawing portraits when I was 12)
I like doing caricatures (but I haven't posted one yet)
I love monochromatic art (especially sepia)
A Filipino but currently residing in China
I have a Chuckie doll
I almost always wear black...