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Deviation Spotlight

  • Finland
  • Deviant for 21 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (17)
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
My Bio

Current Residence: Heaven on Earth
deviantWEAR sizing preference: S
Favourite genre of music: Dream Theater, Placebo, Mike Oldfield... Lots, really. Mostly progressive music, though!
Favourite photographer: Jenni Tapanila (amongst others)
Operating System: Windows Vista...
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
Shell of choice: Lobster please?
Wallpaper of choice: Something interesting to look at; cats always works ;) (Wink)
Skin of choice: Clean, preferably showered as of reacently. Oh that's not what you meant..!
Favourite cartoon character: Donald Duck
Personal Quote: "awww so chjruuut!"

Favourite Movies
Don't have one specific... But I enjoy watching movies with a little more depth to them.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
A perfect ciecle, Muse, Coldplay, Tool, Radiohead, kent, Apocalyptica, SOAD, Jon Lord ->
Favourite Writers
Stephen King, James Herriot, Tolkien, J.K. Rowling... They vary from time to time!
Favourite Games
WoW, Dungeon Keeper, Theme Park... RPG's - FF's etc. ^^ LBA was also good, anybody played
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, Gamecube... PC as well.
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, Avid, Indesign, pencils, paper - Nikon D200 <3
Other Interests
Drawing, playing games, playing the piano, graphics designing, taking photos, science, friends,music

triple D

0 min read
Lots of things have been going on the past year.Triple d: Dog, Divorce, Dream land (found my soulmate).Have a look around in the gallery if you want to see what I&#039;ve been up to. Haven&#039;t really added new things for a while but I&#039;m posting some new photos shortly. Should get back to getting some drawings up too, hmm - where did that pencil go? :O/L
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Entrance exam

0 min read
Yesterday and today i&#039;ve been undergoing an entrance exam for a Digital Multimedia class at a school not too far away from where I live. It&#039;s been a very good experience so far; the actual test wasn&#039;t that hard IMO and the interview was quite fun, the teachers seem like cool people. So now I&#039;m just fiddling my thumbs while hoping I get in (really seems like a perfect school for me :o ), playing video-games, creating art (speaking of which I&#039;ve not updated this site for some time, should get out the panduster hehe) and working at summer work for some extra gold to spend.Oh and I met a lot of like-minded people also interested in studying th...
anonymous's avatar
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Check it out - it&#039;s the  :iconcat-club-cat: arranging a cute contest themed &quot;Open mouth&quot;! It has some great entries - be sure to vote for your favourite! entry is number 11, be sure to check it out too :giggle:Thanks for reading! :wave:~~~ Clubs I&#039;m in ~~~ Fan Club: :icon-nerv-:Animal Clubs :iconjustanimals: :iconpetsrus: :iconKitty-Club: :iconCat-Lovers-Anon: :iconcat-club-cat: :iconArtistsforAnimals: :iconKittyCatCult: :iconcats-paw:Photo Club: :iconrestlessphotographer: :iconnaturpics-club:
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Profile Comments 415

anonymous's avatar
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ShadowedAcolyte's avatar
Thanks for fav'ing my work a few months back! I really appreciate it.
joshzerofactor's avatar
Thanks for the fave on my Protoss Carrier fleet!

JezahnaART's avatar
Hello... I was clicking the Random Deviation button, for the feature in my in journal. And I came across your picture "It's a cats life 2". I thought, so it was featured in my journal here: [link]
orbautixtic's avatar
Heya Lenabanan! (:
XOXO, littlesister
TMEphotos's avatar
thanks for the fav!
ieons's avatar
oye! me gustó mucho tu galería... me agradan mucho tus fotografías, tienes un muy buen manejo de texturas y movimiento... FELICIDADES!!!
(by the way, i found you clicking "random deviation")
Blood-Of-A-Pirate's avatar
Hey. this person wrote something about you in their blog.. CLICK HERE