ae-rie's avatar


[OCDing intensifies]
123 Deviations

15k Watchers!!

1 min read
Thank you so much to everyone that has followed me, I know I haven't always been active but I'll try my best to keep posting new stuff! Thanks again! :iconrlytearplz:

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Thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday, I'm truly grateful to you guys for watching :iconimcryingsomuchplz:

Unfortunately I'm currently unable to use my laptop as it has been sent for repairs and as of now I'm writing this from my phone, I promise I'll thank you all personally once I'm able to resume activities :iconrlytearplz:

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Just things!

1 min read
I don't update this journal very often and I apologize for not posting any art in so long (though I will post something in the near future!) ---- So there's been a lot of things going on, GOOD THINGS. I had actually came back from a trip to Japan about a month ago already and uh... IT WAS AWESOME. I went to Osaka, Kyoto and then met up with :icontaiwonton: in Tokyo, I had a lot of fun memories there, so thank you so much for showing me around Tai! 

In the meantime, I'd like to thank everyone that's been watching me; old and new, and I'll try to post more art!

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There's only so many things I can keep up with, but I'm hanging in there --- after leaving Australia, there's been a fair bit going on in my life, things to adjust to, as well as new goals to set. Also a thank you to all the new watchers (and old!) lately, I hope to improve so I can deliver better things to the gallery! 

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So yep... I'll miss Australia! :iconrlytearplz:

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15k Watchers!! by ae-rie, journal

Thank you everyone! by ae-rie, journal

Just things! by ae-rie, journal

Busy and thank you~ by ae-rie, journal

Leaving the country soon! by ae-rie, journal