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Adykted's avatar

Cat Fight _You Decide Ver2




I'll be doing the winning pose pin up soon~ :evillaugh:

You all knew this was coming.. :iconllamalaplz:

I'm still doing the art requests and I'm really busy with it. :work: But it just sometimes seem monotonous and my creativity is drying up a bit so I created this fan art. Just to break the ice. :phew:

Since the first cat fight version was a success and I thank all who participated, I give you a second version featuring the "Tom and Jerry" of Tekken: Nina and Anna Williams!!! :w00t: In this version I put them in one of the most craziest environment a girl can find herself: A MALL SALE :iconikilleditplz:

:bulletblue: A little backstory..
> Nina is taking a break from all the fighting and butt-kicking so she decides to go to the mall (What better place for a girl to relax! :meow:). It so happens there is a mall sale going on. Nina goes wild with excitement! Just what she needs, a wardrobe make-over! She was running around with shopping bags in hand, when she spotted a pair of red knee high boots :heart: Without hesitation she reaches for them but it seems there was also some one who has eyes for it. Then she realized it was no other than her younger sister, Anna...

:icontardnessplz:For those who are new to this stuff here's the catch:

:star: The winner is not yet decided in this fight. I WANT YOU TO DECIDE WHO WILL BE THE WINNER!!! :evillaugh: Leave a comment with your vote. Support your favorite character. The winning character will have a special "Winning Pose" Artwork which I will post after the voting. :woohoo: Voting period will be open until June 20. :typerhappy: Only 1 vote per person. :D

:star:Anyway this is not a contest. I'm just doing this for FUN! :D

:devil: SO, GET READY FOR THE NEXT BATTLE... :eager:

Cast your votes people!!!! I'll post updates on my profile.


:bulletred: OC properties of NAMCO Bandai

:bulletgreen: CS brushes for backgrounds from :iconenv1ro: [link] and :iconhest1a: [link]
Image size
3292x2376px 1.15 MB
MP250 series
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