Modder of various games, DAZ render artist, amateur cosplayer and voice actor. I do whatever can keep me busy.
Thank you for the Hell Diver ports. I've been looking for those for forever!
I love your Cyberpunk 2077 ports! Any chance that Rogue's clothes will get ported for G8 (or G8.1) too?
If you’re asking about gen 8 females, Sonne has ported the majority of things I worked on already. Hence the reason I bothered to port my versions to gen 9 to fill in the gap.
Ah, ok, Thanks for the info
Recently discovered your page here, and I just want to pass on huge thanks for your generosity in providing so many very cool downloads! Really appreciated - and I'm looking forward to putting these to use. :)
Wanted to say THANK YOU! for all the ports and models you create for everybody to enjoy!
People like you are why people like me get to enjoy fanart like the awesome piece @ElijahCielle just did...
... and you deserve all the credit in the world for it, and for making so much of what you put the time and effort into available for FREE on top of it all!
Thanks for the freebies. It's very awesome of you to do that. A lot of people would be holding these models hostage to get paid. I appreciate folks who share for the love of the IP. It doesn't mean much right now, but there will definitely be a character named after you and a few others in my Universe in honor of your generosity.