'90sthetic' Style - Bubbles meets SobbleAdrielle-Akuryo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/adrielle-akuryo/art/90sthetic-Style-Bubbles-meets-Sobble-802868495Adrielle-Akuryo

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'90sthetic' Style - Bubbles meets Sobble


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Still trying to practice the "early and old cartoon visual style" to match the late and early 90s and early 2000’s (maybe I’m doing an Invader Zim next if I can try) like everyone does.

Since everyone is comparing the new starters for Pokémon Sword and Shield, they said that Sobble looks like Bubbles. So I did this fake screenshot where the Powerpuffs find a lost Sobble, and Bubbles seems to like the Pokémon because it looks exactly like her.

Bubbles names the Sobble "Droplet"

Bubbles (c) :iconcmcc:, Gennedy Tartakovsky, Cartoon Network
Sobble (c) Satoshi Tajiri, Ken Sugimori, Kunihiko Yuyama, Hideonori Kusaka, Satoshi Yamamoto, Nintendo, HAL Laboratory, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., The Pokémon Company, Shogakukan, TV Tokyo, Shonen Jump
Image size
2732x2048px 1.76 MB
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