We only pretend by James-Li (with story)AdriCureuil on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/adricureuil/art/We-only-pretend-by-James-Li-with-story-777080836AdriCureuil

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We only pretend by James-Li (with story)



I'm not the author of this art. Is was made by: :iconjames-li:  Thanks again to her.

Please, go to see, fave and comments the original picture in priority: [Link]

She usually draw Dimeshipping (Scrooge x Magica ship). :)

If you want more information about my oc: [Link]

My other DuckTales OC: [Link]

Sorry for bad English.

For a few days now, a strange creature has been haunting the Duckburg park. This monster seems to only attack the couple of lovers. Elliot, who want solve this mystery, asked Lena to join him at the park.

"No, out of question." say Lena after Elliot explaned his plan.

"It's the only plan I have Lena. If we want catch this monster, we need pretend we are... a couple." Elliot answers, blushing.

Lena knew he was right. She sighed and accepted. Elliot holds out his hand to Lena.

"What are you doing?" she ask.

"Well, lovers hold hands, right? I see that in movies." Elliot answers shyly, always blushing.

"I can't believe this." say Lena a little angry. She grabbed Elliot's hand and blush a little. "I hope this monster will show up quickly." She said with a sigh before starting the walk.

After a few minutes, Lena watched Elliot. He seemed very happy. Given his expression, she thought he knew very well how to play the role of the guy in love. Lena remembered what Webby had told her about Elliot. He has a crush on her. But Lena refused to believe this.

"Why a idiot like him would be interested in a girl like me?" Think Lena. "Unless... no it's stupid." 

Suddenly, Lena heard someone call her in whispering. She turned around and saw Webby in a bush with a sign in her hands where it said "kiss him!". Lena blush again but this time very hard.

"Excuse me for one minute." Lena said, letting go of Elliot's hand.

"No probleme." Answered Elliot who seemed lost in his dreams. He did not notice Webby.

"I knew it, you two are in date. So cute... Can I be your bridesmaid? say Webby.

"This is not a date Webby. We only pretend. You know, for catch the monster."

"Really? So why did you so easily agree to hold his hand?" answer Webby wih a smirk. Lena didn't know how to answer that question. "Come on, admit it. Elliot has a crush on you and you are a crush on him."

"No... it's just your imagination." Lena defended herself.

"Maybe... or maybe not."

It was then that the two girls waited for a growl. They saw Elliot face the monster. The creature had a body and a duck's head but it has feet and goat's horns. He also have a long wolf tail. He was 2 meters tall. Webby identified the monster as probably a demon.

"Time to go to work." say the boy.

To Be Continued....?


Hope you like this little story!
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